Famous Quotations from Albert Einstein
“Anyone who doesn’t take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either.”
Albert Einstein . . . → read more: Albert Einstein – small matters cannot be trusted
Famous Quotations from Albert Einstein “Anyone who doesn’t take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either.” Albert Einstein . . . → read more: Albert Einstein – small matters cannot be trusted Famous Buddhist Quotes Quotations from Buddha Buddha Buddhism is a philosophy and religion encompassing a variety of traditions, beliefs and practices, largely based . . . → read more: Buddha – Endurance Famous Buddhist Quotes Quotations from Buddha Buddha Buddhism is a philosophy and religion encompassing a variety of traditions, beliefs and practices, largely based . . . → read more: Buddha – after the words of Jesus and Buddha Famous Quotations from Albert Einstein “All such action would cease if those powerful elemental forces were to cease stirring within us.” Albert Einstein (1879 . . . → read more: Albert Einstein – such action would cease Famous Buddhist Quotes Quotations from Buddha Buddha Buddhism is a philosophy and religion encompassing a variety of traditions, beliefs and practices, largely based . . . → read more: Buddha – your own common sense Famous Buddhist Quotes Quotations from Buddha Buddha Buddhism is a philosophy and religion encompassing a variety of traditions, beliefs and practices, largely based . . . → read more: Buddha – That doctrine Famous Buddhist Quotes Quotations from Buddha Buddha Buddhism is a philosophy and religion encompassing a variety of traditions, beliefs and practices, largely based . . . → read more: Buddha – as carpenters carve wood Famous Buddhist Quotes Quotations from Buddha Buddha Buddhism is a philosophy and religion encompassing a variety of traditions, beliefs and practices, largely based . . . → read more: Buddha – love as Christ loved Famous Quotations from Albert Einstein “And the high destiny of the individual is to serve rather than to rule, or to impose himself in . . . → read more: Albert Einstein – the high destiny Famous Quotations from Albert Einstein “An attempt at visualizing the Fourth Dimension: Take a point, stretch it into a line, curl it into a . . . → read more: Albert Einstein – visualizing the fourth dimension |
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