
Famous quotes Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Quotations and wise sayings

Famous quotes from the german writer and philosopher Johann Wolfgang von Goethe:

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was a . . . → read more: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 1

Words - Goethe

Quotations and wise sayings

Famous quotes from the german writer and philosopher Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“When ideas fail, words come in very handy.”

. . . → read more: Goethe – words

King or peasant - Goethe

Quotations and wise sayings

Famous quotes from the german writer and philosopher Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“He is happiest, be he king or peasant . . . → read more: Goethe – king or presant

Art is long - Goethe

Quotations and wise sayings

Famous quotes from the german writer and philosopher Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“Art is long, life short, judgment difficult, opportunity . . . → read more: Goethe – Art is long

The lemon trees - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Quotations and wise sayings

Famous quotes from the german writer and philosopher Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“Know’st thou the land where the lemon-trees bloom, . . . → read more: Goethe – the lemon trees

Ye glommy Powers - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Quotations and wise sayings

Famous quotes from the german writer and philosopher Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“Who never ate his bread in sorrow, Who . . . → read more: Goethe – ye gloomy Powers